

This page describes technical details about EXtra-data. You shouldn’t need this information to use it.


The DataCollection class is the central piece of EXtra-data. It represents a collection of XFEL data sources and their keys, for a set of train IDs. It refers to data in one or more files (a run directory is often the starting point). A subset of its sources/keys or train IDs may be selected to make a new, more restricted DataCollection.

KeyData represents data for a single source & key, selected from a DataCollection like run[source, key]. This data may still be spread across several files. The data can be loaded into a NumPy array, among other types.

FileAccess manages access to a single EuXFEL format HDF5 file, including caching index information. There should only be one FileAccess object per file on disk, even if multiple DataCollection and KeyData objects refer to it.


  • cli contains command-line interfaces (so far only extra-data-make-virtual-cxi).

  • components provides interfaces that bring together data from several similar sources, i.e. multi-module detectors where each module is a separate source.

  • exceptions defines some custom error classes.

  • export sends data from files over ZMQ in the Karabo Bridge format.

  • file_access contains FileAccess (described above), along with machinery to keep the number of open files under a limit.

  • h5index lists datasets in an HDF5 file. Deprecated.

  • keydata contains KeyData (described above).

  • locality can check whether files are available on disk or on tape in a dCache filesystem.

  • lsxfel is the lsxfel command.

  • reader contains DataCollection (described above), and functions to open a run or a file.

  • read_machinery is a collection of pieces that support reader.

  • run_files_map manages caching metadata about the files of a run in a JSON file, to speed up opening the run.

  • stacking has functions for stacking multiple arrays into one, another option for working with multi-module detector data.

  • utils is miscellaneous pieces that don’t fit anywhere else.

  • validation checks if files & runs have the expected format, for the extra-data-validate command.

  • writer writes data in EuXFEL format files, for write() and write_virtual().

  • write_cxi makes CXI format HDF5 files using virtual datasets to expose multi-module detector data. Used by write_virtual_cxi() and the extra-data-make-virtual-cxi command.